Sunday, October 02, 2005

look at me, said the cold kids

there is this type of kids which i dun understand: cold.

kids are supposed to be warm in heart and laughter.
they are supposed to be REAL.

but when the parents can't be there as much as they required, these kids are brought up to be cold - emotionless to people around them besides their parents.
a friend of mine call it a SHIELD.

the question is, shield from WHAT?

shield from letting them seeing ur absence?

never never bring up a child:
1) giving him/her the idea that ur maid is always a maid and they are entitled to scream/shout at her. or
2) taking people around them for granted. or
3) thinking highly about themselves but the fact is they aren't that good afterall.

this is still a very asian value:
no matter how low a person's ranking is, as long as he/ she is older than you, they deserves some from of respect and good manners. a simple "thank you" will brighten up their day. is that too much to ask?

actually different kinds of upbringing really brings up different kinds of children.

but the ironic part of these "COLD" kids are, despite being cold from outside, they are still very much kids inside. in a way or another, they are shouting for attention, despite good attention or bad. just attention will do.

and once they felt the attention, they'll show off their shield again. pushing people away.

the circle repeats.
until one day, no more attention is given.

and they are left at the end of the tunnel... alone.


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